Comprehensive Child Planner
Note: Fields in yellow are mandatory

# Particulars
1. Monthly income your family will need to meet expenses in your absence  
2. How long would this income be needed
Note: If spouse is unemployed but can work choose a comfortable no of years. You could also decrease the monthly income needed a little
If spouse is uneducated this will be for likely lifetime of spouse or your parents.
If spouse is employed and can manage independently its upto you
3. Annual Inflation in monthly expenses (%)
Note: monthly income will increase annually at this rate (inflation-indexed income)
4. Return expected when part of the insurance sum is invested to meet expenses (%) %
5. Current life insurance cover
Note: If you are going surrender policies or make paid up don’t include them, do them disclose to the insurer
6. Assets your family can use to generate some income. Don’t include anything you don’t want them sell
Note: Don’t include anything you don’t want them sell
7. Current liabilities (personal loan, credit card debt). If you have separate cover for home loan you don’t need to include that
Note: If you have separate cover for home loan you don’t need to include that
# Provide for your childrens schooling
8. Annual amount needed for your first childs school education
9. Inflation rate on this amount (%) %
10. Years you will need this amount for (until child enters 12th grade)
Note: So child enters college 1 year later. Enter this carefully as it will influence the college fund goal
11. Annual amount needed for your second childs school education
Note: Set zero if not relevant
12. Inflation rate on this amount (%) %
13. Years you will need this amount for (until child enters 12th grade)
Note: So child enters college 1 year later. Enter this carefully as it will influence the college fund goal
14. Return expected if part of the insurance sum is invested to meet school expenses (%) %
# Provide for your childrens college education
15. Amount needed for first child's college expenses (current amt)
Note: Set zero if not relevant
16. Amount needed for second child's college expenses (current amt)
Note: Set zero if not relevant
17. inflation rate on this amount (use at least 10%) (%) %
18. Return expected if part of the insurance sum is invested to meet college expenses (%) %
# Provide for your childrens marriage
Note: insurance will be calculated with and wihout incl. marriage expenses
19. Amount needed for first child's marriage (current amt)
Note: Set zero if not relevant
20. No of years to goal
21. Amount needed for second child's marriage (current amt)
Note: Set zero if not relevant
22. No of years to goal
23. inflation rate on this amount (use at least 10%) (%) %
24. Return expected if part of the insurance sum is invested to meet marriage expenses (%) %
Note: Please create a Will incorporating an action plan like this.
(A) Sum required to generate an inflation indexed monthly income
Action Plan: to be invested to provided annual interest at beginning of each year
₹ {{ ye.a }}
(B) Sum required to clear your liabilities
Action Plan: to be cleared immediately
₹ {{ ye.b }}
(C) Sum required to meet inflation indexed school expenses for children
Action Plan: to be invested to provided annual interest at beginning of each year
₹ {{ ye.c }}
(D) Sum to be invested for first childs college education
Action Plan: to be invested in a mix of equity and debt to get a corpus for college fees
₹ {{ ye.d }}
(E) Sum to be invested for second childs college education
Action Plan: to be invested in a mix of equity and debt to get a corpus for college fees
₹ {{ ye.e }}
(F) Sum to be invested for first childs marriage
Action Plan: to be invested in a mix of equity and debt to get a corpus for marriage
₹ {{ ye.f }}
(G) Sum to be invested for second child's marriage
Action Plan: to be invested in a mix of equity and debt to get a corpus for marriage
₹ {{ ye.g }}
(H) Usable assets will be subtracted from sum of above two quantities
Action Plan: to be liquidated immediately
₹ {{ ye.h }}
(I) Existing insurance amount ₹ {{ ye.i }}
So net insurance required (A + B + C + D + E + F + G - H - I) in Lakhs ₹ {{ ye.netinsurance }}
or net insurance excluding both childrens marriage expenses ₹ {{ ye.netinsurance1 }}
or net insurance excluding 1st childs marriage expenses ₹ {{ ye.netinsurance2 }}
or net insurance excluding 2nd childs marriage expenses ₹ {{ ye.netinsurance3 }}