Fee-only India: launch of a movement to serve investors and advisors

Yesterday (Sep 24th) saw the birth of  Fee-only India, a coming-together of SEBI registered fee-only financial planners at Mumbai. Ashal Juahari, admin of Facebook group Asan Ideas of wealth and I spent the day listening to and discussing with the fee-only financial planners from my list. An organisation of financial planners who do not sell any…

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Should I use cashless hospitalization facility or pay and then reimburse?

There are many who believe that cashless hospitalization facility available with medical insurance policies can be misused by hospitals and that it is better to pay cash and the reimburse it via the policy later. A discussion on should I use cashless hospitalization facility or pay and then reimburse? What does misuse mean? Attempting to exhaust the…

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Investing in Cryptocoin vs Trading in Cryptocoin

Suppose you wish to “put” some money in cryptocurrency (or cryptocoins), say Bitcoin, altcoin, litecoin, fartcoin etc. would you trade or would you invest? It is obvious that due to poor liquidity, the crypto market is volatile. So instinct would tell us caution is necessary. So trading (frequent buying and selling) with regular profit booking seems…

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Robo Advisory Software Tool: Build a complete financial plan!

Get the freefincal robo advisory software tool to plan from start to finish for retirement (early, normal, before and after), non-recurring financial goals (child education) and recurring financial goals (holidays, appliances, etc.). The tool would help anyone aged 18 to 80 plan for their retirement, six other non-recurring financial goals, and four other recurring financial…

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Announcing the “PlumbLine”: a handpicked list of mutual funds

Dear reader, the final step of an investment plan is the product selection. The freefincal robo advisory template will provide the user with all necessary inputs from asset allocation, investment strategy and suggest product categories. To accompany the robo template, I would like to  publish a handpicked list of mutual funds which will be updated…

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