Low Stress Retirement Calculator For Mobiles



The low-stress Retirement Calculator by freefincal.com
Total average monthly expenses (annual/12)
Inflation before retirement (%)
Current age
Age you wish to retire
No of years you expect to live!
Years to retirement
Monthly expenses in first year of retirement
Years in retirement
Inflation during retirement (%)
Post-tax average return expected from retirement corpus (%)
For now set it to a low number. Optimize with my posts later
Total Corpus required
Proceed to sheet 2
Go to blog post explaing this sheet and get the Excel file


The low-stress Retirement Calculator by freefincal.com
Post-tax return (to be used for current and future investments)
Post-tax return expected from equity investments %
Post-rax return expected from current taxable debt holdings %
Rate of return expected from current tax-free debt holdings %
Present Value of investments
Value of current equity invesments
Value of current taxable debt investments (FD, debt fund etc.)
Value of current tax-free debt investments (EPF+PPF)
Lump sum benefits expected at retirement
Current monthly mandatory EPF contribution
Annual increase in this contribution (be realistic) %
Expected rate of return for EPF or NPS %
Net Corpus to be accumulated (notice reduction)
Proceed to sheet 3


The low-stress Retirement Calculator by freefincal.com
You need to invest some amt each month to attain this corpus
What percentage of this monthly investment would you:
1) allocate to equity % 
2) allocate to taxable debt instruments %
3) allocate to tax-free debt instruments %
Annual increase in total monthly investment %
Net rate of return (this is an approximation) %
Monthly investment required
Initial Monthly investment in
Taxable Debt
Tax-free Debt