Equity Mutual Fund Performance Screener September 2020

The freefincal Equity Mutual Fund Performance Screener (September 2020) is now available. Inside, you also get an Rs. 1000 off, discounted link to the lectures on goal-based portfolio management. Screen for consistently performing equity mutual funds in September 2020. You can screen based on fund category & benchmark and spot mutual funds that have got…

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How have Active Equity Mutual Funds Performed: May 2019 Report

Let us find out how actively managed equity mutual funds have performed against reperesentative category benchmarks using the May 2019 Equity Mutual Fund Performance Screener. The screener compares every possible 1,2,3,4 and 5-year returns of active funds with indices from April 3rd 2006.  So please note that we are evaluating performance over the last 13 years…

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Twenty mutual funds that have outperformed Nifty Next 50 Index

Here are twenty mutual funds (out of 144) that have consistently outperformed Nifty Next 50 total returns index. I did the short-listing using the same criterion followed in the freefincal equity mutual fund consistency screener. Readers may recall a List of Equity Mutual Funds with most consistent performance (Feb 2019) published with the respective category benchmarks based…

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