Understanding Risk Appetite: A Guide to Asset Allocation for Investors

A viewer on our YouTube channel asks, “Sir, How can I identify my risk appetite. Please let me know the list of points to consider while deciding asset allocation. Thanks.” Many investors believe their risk appetite falls under three categories: low, medium and risk. They also assume risk appetite refers to “how much risk we…

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Myth Busted: Active mid cap mutual fund managers can easily beat the index

Thanks to effective industry propaganda, many investors believe that mutual fund managers in the mid cap space can easily beat a  mid cap benchmark. In this article, we bust this myth with rolling returns and trailing results comparison of active mid cap mutual funds with Nifty Midcap 150 TRI. First, let us compare trailing returns…

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Why mutual fund dividend option (IDCW) returns are not published?

Anand has an interesting question, “Dear Pattu Sir, I was looking to invest in a mutual fund offering regular dividends* but I can only see the returns of the growth option listed everywhere. Can you please explain why dividend option returns are not published?” * SEBI has mandated that mutual fund dividends be called “Income…

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Why should I invest in equity mutual funds when there is no guarantee of returns?

We have often pointed out that the fate of our mutual fund SIPs is decided by “timing luck” and not because of patience or discipline or rupee cost averaging.  We have also presented the solution to this problem: Do not expect returns from mutual fund SIPs! Do this instead! However, this stance confuses new readers of…

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