How to Quickly Decide: Should I stay invested or exit my mutual fund?

Resolve is a series of steps on investing and portfolio management.  In the first step, we considered how to quickly select equity mutual funds and build a diversified (equity) portfolio. As a second step, we will consider how to quickly decide if I should stay invested in a mutual fund or exit it. To be frank, the…

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Mutual Fund Mergers: how to track investments, calculate returns and pay capital gains tax post-merger

After the SEBI mutual fund categorization rules came into force, fund houses were forced to merge many schemes. In this post, I discuss common investor questions and problems regarding the merger – should I pay tax? how do I track? how do I calculate returns and capital gains on exit? – and so on with…

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How to quickly select equity mutual funds and build a diversified portfolio (resolve step 1)

As readers may be aware Re-assemble is series on the basic of money management aimed at beginners and young earners. Since it now pretty much complete with a compiled free e-book released, I think it is time to move on to the next step. Introducing. Resolve: a series of steps on investing and portfolio management.  In…

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List of mutual fund benchmarks (2019) with funds sorted by benchmark

With the SEBI mutual fund classification complete, here is an updated list of all mutual fund benchmarks. Thanks to Gaurav for suggesting this on Twitter. I had compiled this list for equity funds in Jan 2017. This list is compiled from Value Research. Benchmarks are an important indicator of fund strategy and it is insightful…

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Are mutual funds safe? Can mutual funds run away with our money or become bankrupt?

Are mutual funds safe? Can mutual fund run away with our money or become bankrupt? This should not be dismissed as a newbie question. It is one of the first and most important considerations before investing in a mutual fund. We certainly have instances in the past where fund managers could invest where they want,…

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How to select mutual funds after the SEBI categorization rules

With most AMCs complying with SEBIs mutual fund categorization rules, the implications are slowly sinking in. Since most mutual funds have changed in nature, their past history is now useless. Star ratings are useless. My monthly mutual fund screeners are useless. The selection methods I have discussed earlier are useless. SEBI has hit the reset…

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How mutual fund selection is affected by Sebi’s Mutual Fund Categorization rules

Most readers may be aware that SEBI has laid out norms for mutual fund categorization and many AMCs have fallen in line. It is frustrating that the big AMCs like ICICI, HDFC, Franklin and others have delayed conforming to this order. Makes me want to speculate that they have deliberately waited for the financial year to…

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Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index vs Nifty 50: Does equal weight result in more returns?

The Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index (N50EW) is one which the 50 stocks with highest market capitalization have equal exposure in the index. Whereas the more commonly used Nifty 50 (N50) has a market cap based exposure. In this post, we consider the impact of equal weights. Does it result in higher returns? What about risk?…

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