Redeeming MFs in Demat form can be a pain if you close your broker account

The following is an account of an ordeal to redeem from mutual funds in demat form. As mentioned several times earlier, holding mutual funds (except ETFs) in demat form makes no sense. Mutual fund units are already in electronic form! Unless an investor wants to (or rather tries to) sell closed-ended mutual funds before maturity,…

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Execution only platforms (EOPs) – what does it mean for the investor?

SEBI has created a new class of intermediaries called execution-only platforms (EOPs) for direct plan mutual funds. This will differentiate between an EOP and an RIA and provide clients with a clear grievance redressal mechanism. Those offering direct mutual fund investment portals are currently registered as investment advisors (RIA). SEBI defines an EOP as “Any…

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Fixed income options for non-salaried individuals

Dr Rajesh Mevada writes, “What are debt fund / fixed income options for non-salaried, self-employed professionals and businessmen? For salaried investors, it is compulsory to contribute to EPF/ VPF, or NPS, which automatically takes care of its debt component. But for non-salaried investors, choosing debt fund investment is a bit difficult. So another relevant question…

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Can we use the information ratio to analyze index funds?

A member of the freefincal investor circle asks, Can we use the information ratio to analyze index funds? What is the information ratio? It is a measure of outperformance per unit risk associated with the outperformance. In other words, the information ratio is a risk-adjusted measure of the fund manager’s effectiveness in beating the benchmark. How…

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