Do not assume your expenses will decrease after retirement!

So many people have told me,  one should assume that expenses will decrease after retirement due to a change in lifestyle, that I am now convinced that it is a cognitive response to avoid pain. The pain associated with staring at the results of a retirement calculation made with meaningful inputs. It is abject cluelessness when a…

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No insurer will hand life insurance claim amount on a platter!

Do not assume that your insurer will hand out your life insurance amount (term, endowment, ulip etc.) on a platter to your nominee! Deepak Shenoy of capital mind posted about how ICICI Pru Life bitterly fought a claim settlement and delayed it by about 7 years. This led to the swift clamour that one should not…

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Charts: Equity vs. Gold. Vs. Debt

Here are some charts from yesterday’s post: Should gold be part of your long-term investment portfolio? Franklin Indian Blue Chip is chosen as representative of equity Franklin Indian Income fund as representative as debt. Per gram price data obtained from indexmudi is used to represent gold investment Data range is June 1997 to June 2014 (quite small…

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Video: R. Balakrishnan on "investing for keeps: in equities I trust"

Those who attended the second Chennai investor workshop had the privilege to listen to R. Balakrishnan – Crisil co-founder; former head of equity research at DSP Merrill Lynch, former executive VP of Edelweiss, Money Life columnist and blogger (to name a few!) He spoke about “investing for keeps: in equities I trust”. The video was shot by my friend,…

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Equity Mutual Fund Investing: What to expect when you are expecting!

While recommending equity as an asset class or equity mutual funds as an instrument suitable for newbies, illustrations about the power of compounding, past returns and how they have comfortably beat inflation are typically used. This is followed by caveats (besides past performance disclaimers)  that the investor must be ready to stomach the ups and…

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