Pay off home loan or invest for retirement? Calculate and find out!

Recently subra wrote an article on Payoff Mortgage or Invest…continued. Here is a calculator to fortify the argument I have modified my financial freedom calculator to accommodate immediate lump sum investment to the lender to check if that option is better than investing the money for retirement (aka financial freedom) The excel file explains the…

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OMG! Just Realized My Insurance Policies are Worthless! What do I do?

Thanks to the untiring efforts of many personal finance bloggers, the message “Don’t mix insurance and investments” is spreading fast and creating awareness.  The message is intended primarily for those who are thinking about buying a pension-plan, child-plan, ULIP, endowment plan etc. but have not yet done so. Unfortunately the message strikes fear and panic…

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Einstein and Personal Finance

He never said it!  Said what? “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” “The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest” “Compounding is mankind’s greatest invention because it allows for the reliable, systematic accumulation of wealth.” Einstein’s discoveries…

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What Should Be Your Retirement Withdrawal Rate?

Manish Chauhan’s second book, “How to be your own financial planner in 10 steps” is a great ‘action’ book guiding people through the basic steps of financial planning. This post describes a retirement calculator inspired by the book and is based on ‘corpus withdrawal rate’ Step no. 6 is “Start your retirement planning”. In this…

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Insurance Policy Surrender Value Calculator (LIC) with Paid up comparison

Download a free Insurance Policy Surrender Value Calculator (LIC) with Paid up comparison and decide what to do with your policy. “I just realized that I have junk insurance policies which won’t serve my financial goals! What should I do? Do I continue? Make them paid-up or do I surrender them?” Most of you will agree that…

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Interview with Ashal Jauhari: Relentless Financial Awareness Activist

Jago Investor authored by Manish Chauhan is one blog known to most Indians who use the internet. Even those who are chronic procrastinators with respect to their financial life know about it. My own ongoing journey of financial awareness started with Jagoinvestor. A few years ago Manish started the JagoInvestor Forum, a place where investors…

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