Debt and hybrid mutual fund screener (Nov 2024) for selection, tracking, learning

This is a debt mutual fund screener for portfolio selection, tracking, and learning. It also includes hybrid funds that invest in bonds. It will satisfy investors who wish to invest in money market funds, banking PSU funds, etc. The credit quality of the bonds in the portfolio and the bond maturity profile can be tracked….

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Why we need to stop assuming our investment choices are the best

If we consider any argument involving money managment, personal finance, investing, insurance, etc., there is something common among the two or more opposing ideas/sides. Each side thinks their choice is the best. Each side is pretty smug about their decisions. Unfortunately, this is rather immature, and we need to do better. Take, for example, the…

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How Overconfidence in Equity Could Hurt Your Investment Portfolio!

Many young freefincal readers appear to be overconfident about their equity investments. This could spell trouble for their dreams. I hate to break it to you, but there is no proof that long-term equity investing will always give you “good returns”. All those arguments about the economy growing and the equity market reflecting those returns…

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Equity Mutual Fund Screener Nov 2024: Shortlist consistent performers

The latest freefincal Equity Mutual Fund Performance Screener is now available. Use it to screen for consistently performing equity mutual funds. You can screen based on fund category & benchmark and spot mutual funds with a higher return than a benchmark at a lower risk. Inside, you get discounted links to our robo advisory tool…

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