Building a health insurance comparison chart + Cigna TTK vs Royal Sundaram Health Policies

Wouldn’t it be great to have a DIY health insurance comparison chart that will immediately help you shortlist policies with most relevant and beneficial features? You could then read the policy wordings of these and choose one easily. Using the comparison feature at policybazaar, here is a health insurance policy comparison template with six policies…

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Religare Health Insurance vs Star Health Insurance

Last week I had compared Apollo Munich Optima Restore Benefit vs Max Bupa Re-fill Benefit. This week we shall continue our policy wordings walk-through with a discussion on some lesser-known features of Star Health Comprehensive Insurance policy and Religare Care Comprehensive Insurance policy. The main aim of these posts is to emphasise the importance of policy…

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Should I use cashless hospitalization facility or pay and then reimburse?

There are many who believe that cashless hospitalization facility available with medical insurance policies can be misused by hospitals and that it is better to pay cash and the reimburse it via the policy later. A discussion on should I use cashless hospitalization facility or pay and then reimburse? What does misuse mean? Attempting to exhaust the…

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Things to do AFTER you buy a health insurance policy

Here is a list of ‘things to do’ after you buy a health insurance policy.  These simple steps would aid premium payment, claim application and hospitalization. This post is a companion piece to Things to do AFTER you take a term insurance policy! 1.  Understand claim procedures In the case of emergency hospitalisation and in the…

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Should I use cashless hospitalization facility or pay and then reimburse?

There are many who believe that cashless hospitalization facility available with medical insurance policies can be misused by hospitals and that it is better to pay cash and the reimburse it via the policy later. A discussion on should I use cashless hospitalization facility or pay and then reimburse? What does misuse mean? Attempting to exhaust the…

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Life, Health, Accident, Critical Illness Insurance: All You Need to Know!

Here is a discussion on various types of insurance cover, like term insurance, health insurance, accident insurance and critical illness discussion. This is the video of Ashal’s forenoon talk at the 6th Bangalore Investing Workshop. For the first 1.5 hours of the workshop, the audience kept asking questions to Ashal about the above-mentioned insurance cover. The…

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Experience: After porting from group health insurance to a family floater

Last week, Mr. Srinivasan Sundarajan shared with us how he had converted his company group health insurance to a family floater as per IRDA’s portability rules.  In this follow-up post, he describes his experience after porting from the group cover to a family floater. I believe his account would be quite useful for anyone with or…

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Group Insurance Portability to Individual health insurance cover

IRDA portability rules allow an individual to convert the group insurance cover offered by an employer to an individual policy from the same insurer. During the 6th Bangalore DIY investor meet (July 31st 2016), Mr. Srinivasan Sundarajan pointed out that he had made such a switch. When I requested him to recount his experience, pros and cons…

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Health Insurance from Banks: What to look for, How to buy.

Health insurance policies offered by banks in association with health insurers are game changers in terms of cost. However, the terms and conditions of these policies could be quite different from the individual health plan, or the floater health plan available directly from the insurance at a higher cost. Before you buy a group health…

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