Aggressive Hybrid Funds vs Multi-Asset Funds: Which are better?

A reader writes, “Which is more suitable for a long-term goal? Aggressive hybrid funds or multi-asset funds?” So in this article, we compare a hybrid portfolio with a multi-asset portfolio to arrive at an answer. We cannot compare these funds because multi-asset funds are quite new. Earlier, we compared CRISIL Aggressive hybrid index (with 65%…

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ELSS Mutual Funds: Eleven Consistent Performers

We study 40 ELSS funds to identify consistent performers when benchmarked with respect to the NIfty 200 Total Return Index (dividends included) using the freefincal equity mutual fund screener. Nifty 200 is a representative benchmark of the ELSS category in which funds are typically large cap oriented. Since it is market capitalization-weighted, the index returns…

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Should I now increase my international equity exposure?

Two readers have the following questions. “Given the relative performance between Indian and US markets, my asset allocation is running low on international equity exposure. (1) Should I now increase my international equity exposure?” “(2) Is there any ideal rebalance frequency (identified via backtesting)? I’ve usually encountered rules such as – rebalancing once a year/…

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Why not compare active mutual funds with index funds instead of benchmarks?

A reader asks, “One common trend I see in your analysis is that the active MFs are always considered against the benchmark indices and not index funds themselves. Why are active mutual fund returns compared with TRI (total return indices) and not index fund returns?” “Also, since index fund investment recommendation is limited only to…

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