Using Withdrawal Rates to compare Unified Pension Scheme and National Pension Scheme

We recently published a calculator to compare the Unified Pension Scheme and the National Pension Scheme. We have updated this tool with an alternative comparison using withdrawal rates. This is based on the thumb rule to decide between the Unified Pension Scheme and the National Pension Scheme. Our first method compares only the products. It…

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A thumb rule to decide between Unified Pension Scheme and National Pension Scheme

We discuss a simple, holistic guideline or thumb rule to decide between the Unified Pension Scheme and the National Pension Scheme. We have published a calculator to compare NPS and UPS. However, this involves too many unknowns and projections if retirement is far away. Also, the calculator only compares the two products, NPS and UPS….

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Should I switch from National Pension Scheme to the Unified Pension Scheme?

With the introduction of the Unified Pension Scheme from 1st April 2025, many NPS government subscribers would ask,  Should I switch from National Pension Scheme to the Unified Pension Scheme? Here is a free calculator to find out! At the time of writing, the full terms and conditions of the Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) are…

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