How to build the ideal retirement portfolio

The notion of retirement has changed considerably over the years. Retirement for our parents meant a complete dependence on salary up to retirement and then complete dependence on pension afterwards. If we build a well-diversified retirement portfolio – a retirement basket as PV Subramanyam of would say – we can approach retirement with confidence and…

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Portfolio Rebalancing FAQ Part 2

We continue answering frequently asked investor questions on portfolio rebalancing to help with practical implementation. The first part (question 1 to 13) is available here: Portfolio Rebalancing: We answer frequent questions investors worry about (part 1). Par 3 is linked below. Q14: Rebalancing if it involves multiple assets will it be model-based (quantitative)? For instance, the…

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Portfolio Rebalancing: We answer frequent questions investors worry about (part 1)

In this article, we answer frequently asked question on portfolio rebalancing. Theoretically, it is easy to understand rebalancing but when it comes to practical implementation, investors have so many questions and mental blocks. The idea behind rebalancing is fairly simple and one that we have dealt before with examples multiple times:  it is a process…

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