Compare five fund portfolios for common stocks with new overlap tool!

The latest freefincal mutual fund portfolio overlap tool allows you to compare five mutual funds at once to check for common stocks! Since Moneycontrol had changed its layout, this tool has been written from the ground up. Users will now have to select equity or debt as fund type before running the comparison. Update April 2022: This…

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ICICI Prudential Multi-Asset Fund Review: Suitable for new investors?

This is a review of ICICI Prudential Multi-Asset Fund. We explain why the low volatility of this fund makes it a good choice for new investors. Prior to the SEBI categorization rules kicked in, this was known as ICICI Dynamic Plan fund. This was classified by the AMC as an “open-ended diversified flexi-cap opportunities fund”….

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Reader Journey: “My financial goals are big, but here is why I am not worried!”

“Reader story” is a series where we feature the money management journey of freefincal readers. This week Rakesh Gurbani explains how he got his life in order and is ready to take on his financial goals with confidence. You can access the full archive of all past posts. If you are interested in sharing your story,…

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Nifty vs Nifty PSU Bank vs Nifty Private Bank: Time for Private Bank Index Funds/ETFs?

The importance of the banking sector in providing stability and growth to an economy is something that even a non-expert can intuitively understand. Among their many roles, the one most relevant for an investor is funding both trade, enterprise, businesses and consumerism. We recently discussed MNC Funds as an alternative to large cap fund. So…

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