Illustration: Factors that matter while choosing health insurance

Here is an illustration of the most important factors  that we need to keep in mind while choosing health insurance. Health insurance policies are riddled with window dressing. That is, the features advertised by insurers are often tertiary or downright unnecessary while considering the purchase of a policy. I have written a guide on How to…

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Notes on Financial Fortification

Life insurance, health insurance, accident insurance and critical illness insurance  are tailor-made fortification products that help a family tackle unpleasant and unexpected developments. Be it expenses due to hospitalization, or loss or decrease  in income due to death, accident or a critical illness.  I refer to them as fortification products because they protect the families…

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Cashless Mediclaim: A Second Person Narrative

Regular readers may recall that I described my experience with cashless mediclaim when I underwent a thymectomy last march.  A couple of Wednesdays ago my mother fell and broke her femur bone.  While mine was a planned hospitalization, this was an emergency hospitalization. I am no stranger to emergency hospitalizations (unfortunately). This is the 5th…

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