Lessons from best and worst performing mutual funds of 2018

Here are lessons from the best and worst performing mutual funds of 2018. None of the funds mentioned are to be considered for investment. Observing annual returns can make us understand risk better and sometimes introduce us to a new investment strategy adopted by mutual funds. In this 2018 return means return between Jan 1st…

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Returns & corpus lost to commissions in regular plan mutual funds: 6th anniversary report

Jan 1st 2019 marks the sixth anniversary of introducing direct plan mutual funds (where no commissions are removed daily from invested value before publication of NAV). This is the returns and corpus lost to commissions by not switching from regular plans (where commissions are removed) to direct. Please show this to your friends who still…

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ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund (Focused Bluechip): Great past, but will it last?

ICICI Prudential Focused Bluechip was launched in May 2008 right in the middle of the 2008 meltdown Armed with a lean AUM and 20-twenty stock mandate, the management could navigate the crisis well and soon became the darling of both the sales and investment community. Here is why the going will be tough for this (and other…

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Mutual fund investors do not want the truth! They want fantasies of guaranteed returns!

I have been posting one video a day for the last 40 days and YouTube has taught me about what mutual fund investors want during this time that Facebook (Asan Ideas for Wealth) did in years. Mutual funds investors do not want to listen to the truth about the risk associated with their investment in equity…

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11 aggressive hybrid (balanced) mutual funds that have beat Nifty 100!!

Here are 11 aggressive hybrid (balanced) mutual funds that have beat Nifty 100!! The point is to illustrate how easy it is to get such fund shortlists using the freefincal mutual fund consistency screener. The Dec 2018 was published a couple of days ago. As readers may be aware, I have been comparing the performance of aggressive…

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Don’t get fooled: Mutual funds have no compounding benefit!

There is no compounding in mutual funds! Do not get fooled by “power of compounding”, “miracle of SIPs” and “8th wonder of the world” illustrations!  The term “compounding” has no separate meaning than to represent compound interest. Since mutual funds offer no interest, the notion of compound interest or compounding does not apply to them. Here…

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Eight ways to combine Nifty Next 50 with active funds

Interest in the Nifty Next 50 (NN50) has increased over the last couple of years due to its fantastic track record against many diversified equity mutual funds: Nifty Next 50: The Benchmark Index That No Mutual Fund Would Touch?! However, the NN50 is a volatile index with a huge peak to low falls (drawdown). So naturally, investors…

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