Reader Journey: “My financial goals are big, but here is why I am not worried!”

“Reader story” is a series where we feature the money management journey of freefincal readers. This week Rakesh Gurbani explains how he got his life in order and is ready to take on his financial goals with confidence. You can access the full archive of all past posts. If you are interested in sharing your story,…

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We lost sleep after using a retirement calculator! This is how we recovered

Most of us would take an instant liking to those who ask intelligent, logical questions. If they are (much) younger than you, it is also both exhilarating and inspiring at the same time. Sandeep Bondili is one such young earner from the Facebook group, Asan Ideas for Wealth. Impressed by his approach to money management, I…

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An investor’s mid-life crisis: the dilemma of delayed financial gyan

Many 35-40+ investors face a crisis: they realise need for equity in the portfolio but have a huge fixed income corpus. In this guest post, Ananth, a member of FB group, Asan Ideas for Wealth discusses how one can handle this problem. Ananth made this important observation in response to this video: I started investing late,…

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