Can I create a custom retirement bucket strategy using the freefincal robo advisory tool?

A reader says, “You have repeatedly demonstrated how to deploy a retirement corpus into different buckets using the freefincal robo advisory tool. In all these examples, you assume the retiree will have or should have enough money in a safe income bucket to handle inflation-indexed expenses for the first 15 years of retirement. I find…

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Are you ready for the great Indian retirement transformation?

The number of equity investors (stocks + mutual funds) in the last 5-7 years has increased dramatically. Most of these investors are young and have much to learn about market risk vs reward. Meanwhile, there is a silent transformation underway. More and more Indians are retiring in their 50s with higher and higher capital market-linked…

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Why the old pension scheme is unsustainable and the NPS essential

Many state and central government employees are against the national pension scheme (NPS) and want to restore the old pension scheme. Some state governments have also reverted to the old pension scheme. Unfortunately, this is financially unsustainable. Take, for instance, the DA announcement on Sept 28th 2022. “The additional financial implications on account of this…

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Can I hold 5X expenses in cash bucket and the rest in equity after retirement?

Recently, a reader shared his post-retirement investment strategy: Hold expenses for five years in a cash bucket (savings funds + liquid fund + money market funds + safe bank fixed deposits) at all times during retirement and invest the rest in equity! I do not share the reader’s enthusiasm and would prefer the approach adopted…

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A safer alternative to the 4% withdrawal rule for retirement planning

If you are interested in achieving financial independence in retirement, especially if you hope to retire early, you’ve likely encountered the concept of the safe withdrawal rate, with the 4% rule being particularly well-known. However, it’s unfortunate that this rule is often misunderstood and misapplied, so it may not be a useful tool for retirement…

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Why can’t I include my residential property as part of my net worth?

A reader asks, “Can we include our own living property/house in total net worth? I had some discussions with friends about a particular case – where the total net worth will be significantly higher than the required retirement corpus if the living house/property is included”. “It’s an independent house in Chennai (NOT a flat!) And…

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