Market Timing With Ten Month Moving Average: Tactical Asset Allocation Backtest Part 2

As mentioned last week, I am starting a new series on tactical asset allocation techniques based on market timing. In this first part, we looked at the index PE (price to earnings ratio) as a buy/sell signal. In the second part, we consider the ten-month moving average (10 MMA) of the Index price. There are still…

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Fee-only Advisor Journey: Basu begins a new chapter in the Basunivesh story

In this episode of fee-only advisor journey, Basavaraj Tonagatti, who runs the popular blog Basunivesh, describes his growth from insurance and mutual fund advisor to a financial planner to enterprising blogger and now a SEBI registered investment advisor (RIA), fee-only financial planner. He also joins as the 11th RIA in my List of Fee-only Financial Planners…

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Worried about finding money for your goals? Here is a simple way out

In April 2018, when SEBI registered fee-only financial planner Brijesh Vappala and member of fee-only India (FOI) was added to my list of fee-only financial planners, he had written a guest post highlighting a common problem among young earners: A high income will not make you RICH!! He partitioned money spending into four bins or quadrants and showed that if…

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Watch my talk on index investing: Can we get higher returns with lower risk?

Last week I gave a talk on index investing and market timing at the monthly meeting of the Tamil Nadu Investors Association. This is a private recording of the index investing part. We have already started the discussion on the marketing timing part with: Do we need to time the market? More on this will follow next…

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How ETFs are different from Mutual Funds: A Beginner’s Guide

Let us consider the basic differences between Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and mutual funds and when should one use either product.  A couple of announcements first: (A) I will be speaking on “index investing and market timing” this Sunday, 17th June in the Tamilnadu Investors’ Association monthly meeting (see invite below). Do join if possible. (B) If you are…

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Mutual Fund Mergers: how to track investments, calculate returns and pay capital gains tax post-merger

After the SEBI mutual fund categorization rules came into force, fund houses were forced to merge many schemes. In this post, I discuss common investor questions and problems regarding the merger – should I pay tax? how do I track? how do I calculate returns and capital gains on exit? – and so on with…

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