Why claim settlement ratio will not help you choose a term life insurance policy

Claim settlement ratios (CSR) published by IRDA do not represent the probability of claim acceptance. Most private insurers have a claim settlement ratio comparable to that of LIC. Therefore the CSR will not help you choose a term life insurance policy. At best, CSRs would help you reject a few insurers. Here are some insights…

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Sensex Charts 35 year returns analysis – stock market returns vs risk distribution

How much return can I expect from the stock market? What is long-term in the stock market? What is the risk associated with the stock market? Regular readers may be aware that I have discussed these questions with returns and risk spreads from time to time. In my most comprehensive analysis, Sensex return charts for…

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Mutual Fund Portfolio Growth Visualizer With Index Benchmarking

Download a free spreadsheet Mutual Fund Portfolio Growth Visualizer With Index Benchmarking. This will allow you to compare the growth of your mutual fund portfolio with a variety of BSE and NSE benchmark indices. This was to compare my retirement equity portfolio with Sensex and Nifty Next 50. Now it is your turn! Along with the sheet,…

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Imbibe, Implement, Ignore: Suggested New Year Resolutions for Investors

Here is a list of suggested New Year Resolutions for Investors based on three principles: imbibe the basis, implement it as soon as possible and ignore the noise. To me, personal finance is nothing more than common sense.  And common sense is nothing but mathematics expressed in a spoken language. Before I started the blog,…

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Use Mutual Fund Star Ratings to understand how much you lose via commissions

Looks like mutual fund star ratings are useful for something after all! To understand how much you lose via commissions, study the difference between the star rating of the direct plan (no commissions) and regular plan (where commissions are removed from your investment value before NAV is reported – because what you can’t see cannot hurt…

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