Understanding Debt Mutual Fund Categories and why it is so hard to choose a debt fund!

Investors who wish to give debt mutual funds a try often find that they are more difficult to understand than equity mutual funds 🙂 Who would have thought a fixed income product (a bond that offers regular payments like a fixed deposits) would be so hard to understand the moment it can be traded to…

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Download Nifty Historical Data: Price, Total Returns, PE, PB and Div Yield

Pranav Date, who played a key role in the development of monthly returns, consistency and capture ratios, has now developed a fantastic one stop shop solution for downloading Nifty historical data: the price data from 59 NSE indices, the total returns (dividends reinvested) Nifty 50 index, PE, PB and dividend yield ratios  for 51 indices and the…

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Automated Stock Analysis with MoneyControl Financials

Use this Excel sheet to automatically download stock financial data from Moneycontrol for analysis. This sheet was prepared many months ago, but I did not come around to complete it. Regular readers may be aware that automated stock analyzers using screener.in and morningstar.in are available with multiple valuation methods. In the current edition, I have not…

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What is the guarantee that MF will always give positive returns and beat inflation 10 years or above?

Each week I try and answer generic questions from readers. Here is this weeks edition. If you have a question, you can use the form below and I will address it next week (if I can). Abhi: Hello Mr. Pattabhiraman, Trust you are doing good! In the first chapter of your book “You can be rich…

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Long Term Capital Gains Computation with base year 2001

Budget 2017 has proposed a slew of benefits related to long-term capital gains. The most important is the shift of the base year to be used for long-term capital gains computation for all asset classes. Here is a summary and illustration of long-term capital gains computation with base year 2001. 1: Change in duration for computation…

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Budget 2017: Calculate Revised Return from Your Rental Income

The rent received from a house property is treated as income and taxed as per slab. However, certain deductions are eligible for this taxable amount. Budget 2017  had restricted the amount of deduction one can claim. Here is an illustration and a revised real estate returns calculator. The taxable income is given by:  rent –…

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