Home Loan Transfer Calculator: Base Rate To MCLR Switch

Use this calculator to check the benefits (if any) associated with switching your home loan. Either from one bank to another or from base rate to MCLR (Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate). This is an updated version of the Home Loan Transfer Calculator (Mortgage Refinance) with an ability to check benefits for (a) same EMI, lower…

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Introduction to Interval Income Mutual Fund Schemes

An interval income mutual fund or more generally, interval funds is a lesser known class of mutual funds that are open for subscription and redemption only at specified time intervals. A discussion about their main features and how to use them. An open-ended mutual fund allows purchase and redemptions on all business days. A closed-ended…

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MF Utility Portal User Guide: Updated Second Edition

Here is an updated step-by-step user guide prepared by Anish Mohan to buy and sell direct mutual funds using the MF Utility portal – a free (as of now) “Transaction Aggregating Portal” run about 25 AMCs jointly. Whether you are considering getting a new account or already have one, this guide will help you understand the pros…

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Correlating Mutual Fund Returns with Downside Protection and Upside Performance

When it comes to an actively managed market linked instrument, the ideas of downside protection and upside performance are easy enough to understand and expect. In particular, with respect to active mutual funds, downside protection refers to the fund’s losses when compared to benchmark losses. For example, during a period in which the benchmark dropped by…

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