Simple Steps to De-risk Your Investment Portfolio

Risk management is the key to investing in volatile instruments like equity (or gold). De-risking refers to a process of containing losses. This typically is achieved by targeting a better risk-adjusted return instead of a ‘better return’.De-risking can passive or active. Here are some simple steps to de-risk your investment portfolio Cautionary note: A mutual fund SIP…

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E-book: Post-retirement income generation strategies

Here is a compilation of past posts on how and when to generate inflation protected income with a lump sum for financial independence. This e-book can be used by early retirees, senior citizens and young earners who are trying to optimise income for their parents  from their retirement benefits. This is the fourth such compilation. The…

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Public Provident Fund (PPF) Extension Rules Upon Maturity

The extension rules and options available for public provident fund accounts after maturity or after completion of 15 years are discussed. The national savings institute (NSI India) has a wonderful pdf rule booklet with all notifications and clarifications since inception, and this post is entirely based on that. The aim here is to consolidate my…

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Mutual Fund Screener Version 7.0

Use this tool to automatically screen mutual funds based on returns and create a shortlist of consistent performers. The updated version corrects a bug and now includes Benchmark 1 to 12 year CAGRs. The tool grabs annual returns data from value research for different categories and calculates 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1 year returns (CAGR corresponding to lump…

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