SIP Rolling Returns Analysis with Sensex Data

No matter how often we mention/promote/advertise that equity investments if continued over a long enough period would generate handsome returns, many investors seem to require constant reassurance and encouragement to continue their equity investments. A person who wishes to remain anonymous made the following SIP rolling returns analysis with Sensex data to provide his friends…

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IRR/XIRR – Excel – Limitations of Calculating Complex Cash Flow Returns

Excel’s IRR and XIRR functions are often used to calculate the rate of investment returns. In this post, let us discuss the limitations of XIRR and IRR functions. Credit:  This discussion is inspired by financial planner Mr. Hari who posted a video describing the limitations of IRR and XIRR on my XIRR calculator page. The video (a must…

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FD, RD, Debt Mutual Fund

Here is a list of calculators and resources related to fixed deposit (FD), recurring deposit (RD) and debt mutual funds. 1. Fixed Deposit and Recurring Deposit Calculators FD-Maturity value Comprehensive Fixed Deposit Calculator – I: Total and Advance Tax Liability Comprehensive Fixed Deposit Calculator – II: The Income Clubbing Headache  Variable RD Calculator Comprehensive Recurring…

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Generating Mutual Fund SIP Account Statements and Calculating Returns With NAV History

Use this excel tool to generate an account statement and calculate returns for your mutual fund SIP investments using NAV history. First, a few thoughts about calculating SIP returns. There are many ways to calculate returns from a SIP investment using Excel. Many prefer to use a function known as XIRR to estimate returns. Yes,…

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XLMFTrackerAG: Excel based Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker

XLMFTrackerAG, an Excel based mutual fund portfolio tracker, is another excellent offering by Satish Mistry, financial planner at MoneyCare Financial Planning. Satish recently developed a comprehensive financial planning tool. XLMFTrackerAG is suitable for individual investors, financial planners and independent financial advisors to manage a mutual fund portfolio. Financial planners can easily process the portfolios of clients…

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Excel Rolling Returns Calculator

Use this Excel based rolling returns calculator to evaluate the consistency in performance of your mutual funds and stocks by comparing them with their benchmark indices. Returns for a financial instrument that fluctuate can be calculated in two ways: Point-to-point returns: The effective annual compounded growth rate (CAGR) is calculated between any two dates. You…

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Planning For Intermediate-Term Financial Goals

PPFAS Long Term Value Fund is advertised with a tagline: Only for “truly” long term investors!  The funds scheme document states, “Investors should note that this scheme is suitable for investors who have an investment horizon of minimum 5 years”. Unfortunately,this can give investors the wrong notion that ‘long term’ implies duration of 5 years…

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Debt Mutual Funds vs. Fixed Deposits: Volatility Simulator

This simple Monte Carlo simulator gives you the probability of a debt fund, with variable annual returns, outperforming a fixed deposit. If you are thinking about investing in a debt mutual fund, but are worried about fluctuating returns (volatility) – especially after the recent crash in bonds, this tool could answer a pertinent question: What…

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