How many equity funds are required for adequate diversification?

A subscriber to our YouTube channel asks, “How many equity funds are required for adequate diversification?” At first glance, the answer seems easy, but it is not. Diversification can refer to diversification across asset classes like equity, fixed income, gold, and real estate or diversification within an asset class. We believe the subscriber refers to…

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2000-Year-Old Financial Advice that Still Rocks Today!

Recently, I attended a gathering where the discussion turned to personal finance. Someone inquired about the best place to begin. Predictably, responses such as “security analysis” and “intelligent investor” punctuated the conversation. Many also pointed to blogs that repeat phrases Buffett and Munger popularised, with “investor” as a common theme in their titles, paired with…

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Debt and hybrid mutual fund screener (Dec 2023) for selection, tracking, learning

This is a debt mutual fund screener for portfolio selection, tracking, and learning. It also includes hybrid funds that invest in bonds. It will satisfy investors who wish to invest in money market funds, banking PSU funds, etc. The credit quality of the bonds in the portfolio and the bond maturity profile can be tracked….

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