Women receive lower pension income than men: the retirement savings gender gap

There is a lot of hullabaloo about glass ceilings and pay gaps based on gender across industries. However, the debate often fails to recognize that this leads to a disparity in retirement savings. About the author: Smriti is an author, artist, freelance content writer and avid reader. She quit her six-year-long IT career to embrace…

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Financial planning illustration for a couple with a five year daughter

In the previous article, we discussed the basics and important considerations while planning for a five-year girl’s future. In this article, we will do the calculations with some inputs and assumptions. We shall also include the retirement planning calculation for the parents in brief. We shall use the robo advisory tool for this illustration. We…

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A risk in market timing that 122 years of backtesting failed to reveal!

In the fourth and final part of our double moving average market timing model backtests, we consider Sensex and other Indian Indices. We have already established that the model reasonably works (see links below) with Indian gilts, Nasdaq 100, the S&P 500 and gold. Our primary goal in this updated study is to illustrate market-specific…

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Testing a double moving average market timing model with gold (Part 3)

We are studying the efficacy of a double moving average market timing model with different market indices.  We have already established that the model reasonably works (see links below) with Indian gilts, Nasdaq 100 and the S&P 500. Our primary goal in this updated study is to illustrate market-specific risks and the sequence of returns…

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