Empowering Your Spouse to Take Charge of Finances When You’re Not Around

There are many households (including mine) where the other partner knows nothing about investing, paying bills, taxes, etc and is not interested in learning. How can we set up instructions so they can manage our money in case we become too busy with work (or go abroad) or, worse, die? Instruction Sheet: Considerations It should…

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Stop Sitting on the Fence: Don’t Let Your Money Sleep in Fixed Deposits!

“We do not know what to do with our salary minus expenses, so we just open FD after FD”. This is a common refrain from many employees I have met during my commonsense approach to money management corporate talks. I notice that many women in double-income households are guilty of letting unutilized salaries pile up in…

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Why a cash flow projection is essential for financial planning

This article explains how a simple cash flow projection can significantly impact our goal-based financial planning. When I started creating Excel sheets in 2010-11, I slowly realised that all goal-planning must culminate into a cash flow projection. The freefincal robo advisor tool automatically creates a cash flow projection with goal-planning results. If the user chooses…

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How to rebalance a portfolio with stocks?

We have repeatedly emphasised the importance of asset allocation and its periodic rebalancing. A two-asset portfolio comprising equity and fixed income will do the job for all goals with minimal effort. However, what if the equity predominantly comprises a direct equity portfolio (stocks)? How can we rebalance such a portfolio? Those who wish to understand…

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