How does it feel after reaching financial independence?

“How does it feel after reaching financial independence?” is a common question for readers. Recently, a reader asked if I had thought of any outreach activities like social service after achieving financial independence. I enjoyed the journey towards financial independence a lot more. The planning. The discipline to invest. The tracking of monthly investments and…

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Worried about market volatility due to elections? Try goal-based risk management

Are you worried about market volatility due to the elections and beyond? You can easily reduce portfolio risk with these simple steps we refer to as goal-based risk management – a combination of passive, systematic investing and active risk reduction. If implemented sequentially, these steps would result in greater focus and success. You can automate…

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I finally managed to share all financial details with my wife!

It is quite common to see one partner (either the husband or the wife)  utterly uninterested in money management and investing. They take for granted that the other partner will handle everything. Perhaps this contrast is higher in households if one takes an additional interest in personal finance. Although my wife is super-smart and capable…

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