How to select mutual funds after the SEBI categorization rules

With most AMCs complying with SEBIs mutual fund categorization rules, the implications are slowly sinking in. Since most mutual funds have changed in nature, their past history is now useless. Star ratings are useless. My monthly mutual fund screeners are useless. The selection methods I have discussed earlier are useless. SEBI has hit the reset…

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How mutual fund selection is affected by Sebi’s Mutual Fund Categorization rules

Most readers may be aware that SEBI has laid out norms for mutual fund categorization and many AMCs have fallen in line. It is frustrating that the big AMCs like ICICI, HDFC, Franklin and others have delayed conforming to this order. Makes me want to speculate that they have deliberately waited for the financial year to…

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Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index vs Nifty 50: Does equal weight result in more returns?

The Nifty 50 Equal Weight Index (N50EW) is one which the 50 stocks with highest market capitalization have equal exposure in the index. Whereas the more commonly used Nifty 50 (N50) has a market cap based exposure. In this post, we consider the impact of equal weights. Does it result in higher returns? What about risk?…

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Will I get more returns if I take more risk? Higher risk = higher returns?

Many investors are under the impression that to get higher returns, one must take on more risk. This is reasonably true if the investment duration is “long enough” and completely wrong for shorter durations. In a two-part post, I consider the risk and return associated with all mutual fund categories. This is an updated version…

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How tax (DDT) affects mutual fund dividends and lowers return (examples)

We are aware that debt mutual funds are subject to a dividend distribution tax (DDT). From April 1st 2018, equity mutual funds will also be subject to DDT. Here some examples as to how DDT affects mutual fund dividends and lowers returns.  This post is in response to Ankit Jain’s comment in Equity Mutual Fund Dividends are…

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Mutual Fund Portfolio Growth Visualizer With Index Benchmarking

Download a free spreadsheet Mutual Fund Portfolio Growth Visualizer With Index Benchmarking. This will allow you to compare the growth of your mutual fund portfolio with a variety of BSE and NSE benchmark indices. This was to compare my retirement equity portfolio with Sensex and Nifty Next 50. Now it is your turn! Along with the sheet,…

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