Why the NPS must be modified to accommodate changing needs

We discuss modifications that can make the National Pension Scheme (NPS an attractive retirement solution accommodating changing needs. The New Tax Regime has made redundant the “extra Rs. 50,000 tax saving” (or reduction in taxable income). So, finally, NPS can attract the right kind of investor. The new-generation retiree wants the flexibility to retire early…

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What are some tax-efficient alternatives for debt mutual funds?

A reader says, “Given the changes in debt fund indexation benefits, I come across market veterans recommending equity savings and multi-asset funds as alternatives. I have the SBI, Kotak and Parag Parikh conservative hybrid funds in three different portfolios in my family. Would you continue to recommend these conservative hybrid funds for a long term…

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Which mutual funds are still taxed at 20% with indexation benefits?

A reader says, ” Can you please let me know funds with indexation benefits apart from Parag Parikh Dynamic asset allocation fund and  Edelweiss Multi Asset Allocation Fund excluding EquitySavings and Arbitrage?” A discussion. Let us begin with some context. Note: Tax rules change often. The rules mentioned here are valid as of April 2024…

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The truth about active large cap mutual fund performance

Recently, there was some buzz on social media and a few articles about how large cap mutual funds have made a “comeback”. In this article, we discuss the performance consistency of these funds using the freefincal equity mutual fund outperformance screener (published monthly). Disclaimer: Fund performance reports present return and risk analysis of a fund with…

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You won’t be able to buy MFs from a new AMC if your KYC status is not validated!

SEBI registered fee-only advisor Abhishek Kumar explains why we must check our KYC status and when it must be re-validated. About the author: Abhishek is part of a freefincal’s curated list of fee-only financial advisors and a fee-only India member. His journey has been published earlier: Fee-only Advisor Abhishek Kumar’s tap dancing to financial freedom. Most…

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Since past performance doesn’t dictate future returns, why not buy MF NFOs?

Ask in any personal finance forum, “Can I invest in XYZ NFO?” there would be an immediate refrain, “Never buy NFOs!”. Context is often the first casualty in such a forum, and this response is no different. All mutual funds carry a past performance disclaimer – past returns do not indicate future returns. Then why…

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Why we must not use probabilities or odds for stock market returns

You might have often seen statements like, “Our analysis shows that, over the long term, the stock market shows poor returns for only two out of every ten periods tests. This means that the probability of losing money is quite small”. Such statements are wrong. You cannot, well, must not associate probabilities with stock market…

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