Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap Tool: Compare 5 funds to find common stocks

Use this free Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap Tool to compare five mutual funds and find out the common stocks and percentage portfolio overlap. Update April 2022: This tool is now available on Google Sheets. How to use the mutual fund portfolio overlap comparison tool? If you are trying to build a diversified mutual fund portfolio…

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Don’t get too comfortable with equity: This is how a real market crash “feels” like

So you think you have become financial literate by starting equity mutual fund SIPs assuming that they will beat inflation in the “long run”? Don’t get too comfortable with equity. Don’t assume those fairytale returns from DSP nanocap fund will last. This is how a real market crash “feels” like. Preparing for a presentation can be…

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Do you know what happens when money is redeemed from a mutual fund?

In this post aimed at new mutual fund investors, I discuss the basic aspects of the mutual fund redemption process. Knowledge of this is crucial from the viewpoints of risk, reward, taxation and product selection. Experienced investors may find this information quite basic, but please do consider sharing this post to someone who may benefit…

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Equity Mutual Fund Rolling Upside/Downside Capture Calculator

Use this Excel sheet to automatically calculate rolling upside capture, downside capture and rolling returns for equity mutual funds by comparing them with 72 BSE/NSE Indices. While the rolling returns provide a consistency measure for overall reward (return), the upside/downside captures provide a consistency measure for outperformance during up-market periods and protection during down-market periods…

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