Mutual Fund SIP Rolling Returns Calculator

Use this Mutual Fund SIP Rolling Returns Calculator to determine how consistently an equity mutual fund  has performed wrt to its benchmark. Returns can be broadly categorised into two types: for a lump sum investment (CAGR) and for periodic investment (XIRR) Please consult this post to understand What is XIRR?. You can consider using this Mutual Fund SIP…

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Growth vs. Dividend Reinvestment Mutual Funds: Which Should I choose?

Here is a simple illustration that will help you understand how growth and dividend-reinvestment  mutual funds work. You can use it to decide which is better for you, taking into account the investment duration and your tax-slab. This is a re-publish taking into account changes made after budget 2014. When a mutual fund offers regular (typically)  dividends…

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Equity Mutual Fund Investing: What to expect when you are expecting!

While recommending equity as an asset class or equity mutual funds as an instrument suitable for newbies, illustrations about the power of compounding, past returns and how they have comfortably beat inflation are typically used. This is followed by caveats (besides past performance disclaimers)  that the investor must be ready to stomach the ups and…

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What is the role of a fund manager?

Perhaps, “what should be the role of a fund manager?” is a more appropriate question. In an interview to Cafemutual,  Mirae assets fund manager, Neelesh Surana said, “The challenging part (of being a fund manager) is the pressure of generating superior performance vis-à-vis markets and peers. The pressure of getting it right consistently is always there”….

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