How to select mutual fund categories suitable for your financial goals?

You might be wondering why the title refers to mutual fund ‘categories’.  Would it not be more enticing and perhaps more useful had it read, ‘how to select mutual funds suitable for your financial goals’? Perhaps so.  However, I choose to focus on how to select mutual fund categories first, for two reasons I am…

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Visualizing Mutual Fund Volatility Measures

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risk!  Haven’t we heard that one before?! If we wish to analyze the performance of a mutual fund, we should know how to evaluate returns and how to evaluate volatility. Volatility, not risk. Risk pertains to your financial goal.  Volatility pertains to the instrument. There are many ways to…

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Mutual Fund Rolling Returns Calculator

Use this automated mutual fund rolling returns calculator to evaluate the consistency in performance of a mutual fund over any interval from April 3rd 2006 onward. You can compare results with benchmarks like Sensex, CNX Nifty, CNX Small-cap, and CNX Mid-Cap. This version is a major improvement over the previous Excel Rolling Returns Calculator.  The analysis…

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Calculator Updates: AMFI MF NAV history downloader and MF account statement generator

In the last couple of days AMFI has changed it web address! From,  it is now Therefore, I had to make this change in the mutual fund NAV history downloader. Also, while working on a mutual fund SIP returns analyzer, I noticed minor bugs in the mutual fund account statement generator and returns calculator….

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Excel Mutual Fund NAV History Downloader

Features Get full historical NAV from inception – not possible with the painful to use AMFI site. Fast download! Select frequency: daily/weekly/monthly Sort ascending or descending For dividend mutual funds obtain dividend history alone Suitable for Indian Mutual Funds only. Uses of Mutual Fund NAV history 1. Using calculators available at freefincal: Generate Mutual Fund…

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FD, RD, Debt Mutual Fund

Here is a list of calculators and resources related to fixed deposit (FD), recurring deposit (RD) and debt mutual funds. 1. Fixed Deposit and Recurring Deposit Calculators FD-Maturity value Comprehensive Fixed Deposit Calculator – I: Total and Advance Tax Liability Comprehensive Fixed Deposit Calculator – II: The Income Clubbing Headache  Variable RD Calculator Comprehensive Recurring…

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Generating Mutual Fund SIP Account Statements and Calculating Returns With NAV History

Use this excel tool to generate an account statement and calculate returns for your mutual fund SIP investments using NAV history. First, a few thoughts about calculating SIP returns. There are many ways to calculate returns from a SIP investment using Excel. Many prefer to use a function known as XIRR to estimate returns. Yes,…

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XLMFTrackerAG: Excel based Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker

XLMFTrackerAG, an Excel based mutual fund portfolio tracker, is another excellent offering by Satish Mistry, financial planner at MoneyCare Financial Planning. Satish recently developed a comprehensive financial planning tool. XLMFTrackerAG is suitable for individual investors, financial planners and independent financial advisors to manage a mutual fund portfolio. Financial planners can easily process the portfolios of clients…

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