Momentum Stock Investing in India: Does it work?

Stock momentum investing is a fascinating and counterintuitive concept like low-volatility stock investing. Momentum investing is essentially chasing stocks with good past performance! In this post, we find out if momentum investing in India works by analysing the S&P BSE Momentum Index. That is, we find out if the strategy can yield better returns than a…

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Low volatility stock investing – Does it work? Higher returns at lower risk?

When I start asking my audience, is it possible to get higher returns at lower risk?  Many respond that it is not possible. I enjoy the surprise on their faces when they see evidence that low volatility stock investing works quite well and that it is possible to get higher returns at lower risk. I had earlier…

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A list of stocks that have traded close to their “all-time” high

Here is a list of stocks that have traded close to their all-time high and how it correlates with returns. This can be seen as an alternative low volatility strategy while picking stocks.  Readers may recall that this is an ongoing exploration of studying low volatility stocks and lazy investing – See Aug 2018 lazy portfolio updates and 30 Low…

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50 stocks with solid earnings power: Ability to self-fund and create value

Here are 50 stocks with excellent earnings power track record. Based on Hewitt Heiserman Jr.’s Earnings Power Box, these companies have the potential to self-fund and create value. You can download a free tool to analyze any stock of your choice. This excellent compilation has been put together by Lokesh Verma based on Automated Stock…

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How can a 400% profit result only in 8% return?! Hodling to the moon Risk!

Although many equity investors like to think that they are saner than crypto-investors, the truth is that there is not much difference in their investment “strategies” (if we can call it that). I am referring to “Hodl to the moon” which for equity investors roughly translates as “don’t sell in fear, equity will be profitable over…

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Equity LTCG Taxation: How much tax do I need to pay? Illustration part 1

It was announced in Budget 2018-2019: Long Term Capital Gains from Equity to be taxed at 10%.  Here is an illustration of how much long-term capital gains tax you need to pay on a long-term systematic investment in equity or equity mutual funds. This is part one where the LTCG tax after each year of investment…

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