Payment of difference bet compound interest & simple interest in loan accounts: Will you benefit?

RBI has notified the scheme for grant of ex-gratia payment of the difference between compound interest and simple interest for six months to borrowers in specified loan accounts (01.3.2020 to 31.08.2020). Why was this done? Will you benefit? About the author: Anjesh Bharatiya is a 30+ taxman by profession and a Chemical Engineer by education….

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LTC cash voucher scheme for Central Government Employees Explained

The Government launched an LTC (Leave Travel Concession) Cash Voucher Scheme for Central Government employees on 12th October 2020 to enable employees to purchase goods and services instead of availing LTC & leave encashment. This is a reimbursement scheme for LTC expense to revive the economy. Details and FAQ about the scheme are presented. About…

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Building the ideal retirement portfolio that goes beyond money

“How much money do I need to retire comfortably?” is the central question of retirement planning. Comfortably refers to (1) generating an income that will keep pace with inflation; (2) having some buffer in the corpus to handled unexpected expenses (recurring or one-time). However, there is more to retirement planning than just money and that…

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