Download a Health Insurance Policy Comparison Spreadsheet

This is a health insurance policy comparison spreadsheet prepared by  K R Lakshminarayanan for his personal use. He has kindly come forward to share it with all of us. Use it as a base for comparing health insurance features and understand aspects of a policy that matter. Health insurance policies currently available can be classified…

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Want to buy bonds instead of debt funds? This is what you need to know

After the series of credit problems in debt mutual funds, many investors would like to know more about buying bonds directly instead of debt mutual funds. To do this, knowledge of basics and familiarity with bond terminology is essential. Therefore I have requested an expert to discuss the basics of how to go about buying…

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This will change the way you invest: S&P Index Versus Active Funds report

Avinash Luthria explains why the most important report about mutual fund investing in India was published in April 2010 – the S&P Index Versus Active Funds India report – and how there is sufficient and repeated evidence avoid active mutual funds and change the way we invest. I respect Avinash’s approach to investing especially his realistic…

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Nifty Momentum Timing: Can it produce higher returns?

Momentum investing is such a simple strategy that it could even invite ridiculing laughter. Yet, it works: Momentum Stock Investing in India: Does it work? Yesterday the Momentum, Low Volatility Stock Screener June 2019 was released. This allows you to screen for momentum stocks with low volatility (quality momentum) among the Nifty 100 stocks. In this post,…

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