Warning! Even “large cap” stocks are not liquid enough! Can you handle this?

Stock investors would be well aware of a small difference between the buy-price and sell-price of a share, known as the bid-ask spread. This “cost” or “loss” (applicable for an immediate buy and sell) is inevitable and quite different from brokerage costs. The price difference is a measure of liquidity in the market. The bid-ask…

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Franklin India Equity Fund (Prima Plus) Review: slipping performance?

Come September 2019, Franklin India Equity Fund (previously called Franklin Prima Plus) would complete 25 years – the 3rd such fund from the AMC (along Bluechip, Prima). In this performance review, we take a look at how Franklin India Equity Fund (FIEF) has fared against its benchmarks. Product Positioning: From June 2018, the fund was…

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We lost sleep after using a retirement calculator! This is how we recovered

Most of us would take an instant liking to those who ask intelligent, logical questions. If they are (much) younger than you, it is also both exhilarating and inspiring at the same time. Sandeep Bondili is one such young earner from the Facebook group, Asan Ideas for Wealth. Impressed by his approach to money management, I…

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Are you ready for a mature approach to personal finance?

In this guest post, SEBI registered investment advisor Avinash Luthria who is part of my list of advisors and fee-only India discusses six simple and elegant approaches to managing money. Avinash previously was a Private Equity & Venture Capital investor. His articles have appeared at Business Standard, Mint and The Ken. I respect Avinash’s realistic views on investment risk and reward. His…

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