Fee-only Advisor Journey: Shilpa Wagh’s “money personality” lessons

SEBI registered investment advisor Shilpa Wagh shares her journey: from IT professional to a fee-only financial planner. Shilpa resides in Mumbai and is part of Fee-only India – movement to serve investors and advisors and the freefincal list of fee-only financial planners. It was Sukhvinder Sidhu (who was featured in the last advisor journey) who…

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Fee-only Advisor Journey: Sukhvinder Sidhu’s unwavering principles

SEBI registered investment advisor Sukhvinder Sidhu shares his journey: from bank branch manager to following his passion and his struggle in establishing himself as a fee-only financial planner. Sukhvinder is a man of unwavering principles who strongly believe in unbiased, affordable and commission-free financial planning advice to families. In spite of his early difficulties and in…

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Fee-only Advisor Journey: Melvin Joseph’s determined struggle to the top

Melvin Joseph one of India’s first SEBI registered Investment advisor with no direct or indirect ties with product commissions shares his journey: from struggling to find clients to becoming one of the most enterprising, successful, yet ethical and affordable fee-only financial planners in India and dare I say, the world. While I was trying to…

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What Should I consider when hiring a fee-only financial planner?

When I announced the launch of Fee-only India, a coming together of SEBI registered fee-only financial planners to help clients and each other, Alok Singh, made this interesting suggestion: “It’s a good initiative to bring fee-only FPs under one roof. Would it possible to come up with a post describing as to what factor/points one…

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What is the real purpose of a Financial Plan?

What is the objective behind creating a  financial plan? Who is it meant for?  Do young earners or DIY investors need the services of a fee-only financial planner to create a professional plan? In this guest post, Vikram Krishnamoorthy,  SEBI registered fee-only financial planner tackles these questions and discusses the real purpose of creating a financial plan…

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Fee-only India: launch of a movement to serve investors and advisors

Yesterday (Sep 24th) saw the birth of  Fee-only India, a coming-together of SEBI registered fee-only financial planners at Mumbai. Ashal Juahari, admin of Facebook group Asan Ideas of wealth and I spent the day listening to and discussing with the fee-only financial planners from my list. An organisation of financial planners who do not sell any…

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