What is the best way for college students to start trading?

College students often ask me: “What is the best way to start trading?”. They probably expect me to belt out learning resources and the best demat account. But I usually disappoint them with the following response. To make significant money from trading, one needs significant capital, which college students are unlikely to have. Trading involves…

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How to review your investment portfolio?

In this article, we discuss simple tips to review your investment portfolio. Every portfolio requires a personalized benchmark for comparison. Our long-term goals, particularly the money required for these goals, form natural benchmarks for a portfolio review. First, the basics should be in place before we start investing or immediately after: Emergency fund Life Insurance…

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We need to accept that the “best investment plan” does not exist!

So many investors search for the best investment strategy and products offering the highest returns (and lowest risk and tax!). When we tell them these do not exist, they get irritated and move to someone who hopefully can offer them these. Investors want constant confirmation that they have chosen the right products and are on…

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