Mutual Fund Portfolio Growth Visualizer With Index Benchmarking

Download a free spreadsheet Mutual Fund Portfolio Growth Visualizer With Index Benchmarking. This will allow you to compare the growth of your mutual fund portfolio with a variety of BSE and NSE benchmark indices. This was to compare my retirement equity portfolio with Sensex and Nifty Next 50. Now it is your turn! Along with the sheet,…

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This is my portfolio vs Sensex, Nifty Next 50: Want to Check yours?

When the personal financial audit 2017 was published, I had discussed how my equity retirement portfolio has grown with time and also mentioned that a tool with which you can do the same is on the works. It is now nearly complete. In this post, I use the tool and compare my equity mutual fund portfolio (retirement)…

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Index Investing: advantages and disadvantages of being a passive investor

Every time a young investor reads John Bogle or Warren Buffett’s statements on low-cost index funds, they want to know if index investing will work in India? if in the long run index funds will outperform actively managed mutual funds, should I not switch to an index fund? I recently showed how the Nifty Next…

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Use Mutual Fund Star Ratings to understand how much you lose via commissions

Looks like mutual fund star ratings are useful for something after all! To understand how much you lose via commissions, study the difference between the star rating of the direct plan (no commissions) and regular plan (where commissions are removed from your investment value before NAV is reported – because what you can’t see cannot hurt…

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SEBI’s Mutual Fund Scheme Categorization: Pros and Cons

Yesterday, SEBI announced its new “Categorization and Rationalization of Mutual Fund Schemes”. In this post, I discuss the positive and negative aspects of this move. As with any change, it is a mixed bag, especially for existing investors. SEBI has made it clear that only one scheme per category will be allowed and that AMCs…

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Why not invest in multiple mutual funds to “average” out returns?

You would be surprised as to how many people ask, Why not invest in multiple mutual funds to “average” out returns? and how often such an advice is provided in the media and in real life too! This post is in response to a question from S.B.Raajesh Kannan as it gives me a chance to cough up some portfolio…

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Lump sum vs SIP investing in mutual funds: Which is “better”?

Lump sum vs SIP investing: Which is “better”? You might have heard this question often in personal finance forums. Perhaps you have thought about this yourself. In this post, let us trace the month-by-month return from a SIP investment and a lump sum investment started on the same date. What is the point of this…

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