Mutual Fund A vs. B – Year on Year Risk-return Analyzer

Use this tool to compare the risk-adjusted year-on-year performance of two mutual funds over the last 8 years. This is an alternative to the previously published, fund A vs. fund B mutual fund analyzer, in which the  comparison could be made for investment durations ranging from 1-8 years. This year-on-year analyzer allows you to compare funds…

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Illustration: Direct Mutual Funds vs. Regular Mutual Funds

Here is  a set of illustrations that highlight the benefit of investing in direct mutual funds for your long-term goals. First some good news: MF Utility a portal in which investors can consolidate their holdings in different AMCs and invest in them with a common account number (CAN) will start operating from March.  You can…

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Herd Instinct: ICICI Pru Focused Blue Chip vs. ICICI Pru Top 100

In this post, let us compare two large cap funds from the  same fund house. One a consistent performer with a terrific track record and the other a young superstar. The results will hopefully show how herd instincts among investors (and perhaps amcs  and therefore(?) intermediaries too?) can obscure good funds from the same fund house….

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Part II: Here is why you should ignore mutual fund star ratings

In the first part on why you should ignore mutual fund star ratings, I had stressed on the importance of focusing on our portfolio health and performance of the fund with its benchmarks. In this post I would like to add a couple more reasons to strengthen the argument. Let us assume that an investor named Tom has chosen…

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