Why complicate life with multiple retirement buckets? Why not use a single equity + debt portfolio?

A reader wants to know why a retiree needs to complicate life with multiple retirement buckets when all he needs is a single portfolio with equity and debt after retirement which is much easier to manage. About 10 years ago, I would have probably thought the same. Age and experience change perspective. See: I thought a…

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How to use the freefincal robo advisory tool to track the progress of our financial goals

In this article, we explain how we can use the freefincal robo advisory tool to track the progress of our financial goals. The robo tool as many readers would know is a financial planning tool. It automates the process of systematic risk management and suggests a variable asset allocation schedule with step-wise equity reduction. The…

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I thought a pension was unnecessary but age taught me a retirement planning lesson!

I have been making retirement planning tools for more than 11 years now. During this time, thanks to a combination of luck and discipline, I have been able to achieve financial independence. While my risk appetite has increased, I have also become more conservative in planning for retirement. I have come around to see the…

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How do I include the value of my 2nd house when planning for retirement?

Many readers have asked me this common question: “Where do I enter the value of my second house in the calculator while planning for retirement?”. The answer to this “depends” on one’s circumstances. Most people who have second property get rental income from it and would like such an income to continue into retirement. We…

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