Market Timing with the Motilal Oswal Value Index (MOVI)

In the 6th part on the series on tactical asset allocation techniques based on market timing, we evaluate the Motilal Oswal Value Index (MOVI) over five-year vs ten-year periods. The MOVI index data is available at the Motilal Oswal website used a combination of  Nifty price to earnings ratio (PE), price to book value (PB) and dividend yield…

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Will large cap mutual funds struggle to beat Nifty 100 Equal Weight Index?

Using the August 2018 Equity Mutual Fund Performance Screener published yesterday, we find out how large-cap and value-oriented mutual funds have fared against the Nifty 100 Equal Weight Index. This index has equal exposure to the top 100 stocks by free-float market capitalization. Sundaram and Principal AMC have index funds based on this. So like the Nifty…

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Should Resident Indians Invest in Internationals Stocks or Funds?

Diversification is a word that many investors use rather loosely. Whenever they seem something “offer good returns” I have seen many investors want a piece of that action and say “I have added it for diversification”. Again that classic mistake. Choosing a product/security/asset class by looking at its (recent) returns and not its risk. People who…

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A list of stocks that have traded close to their “all-time” high

Here is a list of stocks that have traded close to their all-time high and how it correlates with returns. This can be seen as an alternative low volatility strategy while picking stocks.  Readers may recall that this is an ongoing exploration of studying low volatility stocks and lazy investing – See Aug 2018 lazy portfolio updates and 30 Low…

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