Illustration: Passive Income Generation

Suppose I have 70 lakhs with me and would like to generate an inflation-protected income for as long as possible, how and where should I invest? The following is based on the Inflation-protected Income Simulator, and a thread at facebook group, Asan Ideas for Wealth (some inputs have been modified) A more detailed how to generate inflation-protected income…

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Do not use ELSS mutual funds to save tax in the last minute!

Thanks to the ‘bull run’, ELSS mutual funds are projected as a ‘good’ last minute tax savings instrument. If you are thinking about tax deductions only now, do not use ELSS mutual funds. Last minute tax-savers are not interested in preaching: how you should integrate tax planning with goal planning, plan for it at the start…

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How to choose a financial planner?

Do you even need a financial planner? Money management, especially  inflation proofing long-term goals, is not rocket science.  Then again, even rocket science is not rocket science! The inclination to act, coupled with commonsense is all that is required. So the answer is, a financial planner is not necessary. Of course, financial planners and ‘independent’ financial advisors…

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Mutual Fund A vs. B – Year on Year Risk-return Analyzer

Use this tool to compare the risk-adjusted year-on-year performance of two mutual funds over the last 8 years. This is an alternative to the previously published, fund A vs. fund B mutual fund analyzer, in which the  comparison could be made for investment durations ranging from 1-8 years. This year-on-year analyzer allows you to compare funds…

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What is Your Risk Appetite?

“Invest according to your risk appetite” is a refrain often seen in personal finance articles. This is as useless as it is meaningless. The single most important ailment among investors is their inability to recognise appropriate benchmarks and objectives inflation as the primary benchmark for long-term goals capital preservation as the primary objective for short-term goals tax-efficiency…

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Investor FAQs on Returns

Answers to a frequently asked questions on investment returns. 1. What return does the moneycontrol portfolio manager calculate? It calculates the absolute return. That is the percentage difference = (value-investment)/investment. This does not  represent how your money has compounded. Ignore it. Use Value Research portfolio manager to get XIRR returns (a measure of compounding when there…

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