Economic Challenges that Modi 2.0 will have to tackle

The people have spoken and how! The stock market may rejoice at the results of Lok Sabha 2019, but the new government has its work cut out. Modi 2.0 faces many economic challenges,  perhaps because of their own doing: demonetization. Read about any sector, be it agriculture, auto, consumption, exports, banking, airlines etc, the one…

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The Economic Survey 2017-2018 warns about high stock valuations

The  Economic Survey 2017-2018 was published yesterday with a clear warning that the stock market valuations are too high and unless earnings increase, a correction should be expected. The survey also argued that the bond market seems to have forgotten about the growth in the national small savings fund. Amidst the euphoria about increased GDP growth…

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The 80/20 rule: Making sense of richest 1% Indians owning 58% wealth!

The distribution of wealth cannot be even among the members of a society/country. This is just not practical. Oxfam International’s global inequality report released this month points to the world in which the gap between the rich and poor is alarmingly getting wider. In this post, I discuss how to make (statistical) sense of this…

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