Illustration: Financial Plan Creation for Rajeev Goswami

Many readers have asked me to explain how a financial plan is created with examples. I requested SEBI registered fee-only financial planner (meaning, no commissions and works only for you), Sukhvinder Sidhu to explain the financial plan creation process with an example. This is meant for those new to DIY investing and also those who…

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Are You a Victim of “Honest” Mis-selling?!

Financial products get mis-sold every minute of every day. Interpretations of what constitutes miss-selling depend on who you ask. They range from persuasion (bending the rules) to outright fraud (breaking them).  In this case, the victim is the buyer. There is yet another form of miss-selling where both the buyer and seller are victims. In this…

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What is the guarantee that MF will always give positive returns and beat inflation 10 years or above?

Each week I try and answer generic questions from readers. Here is this weeks edition. If you have a question, you can use the form below and I will address it next week (if I can). Abhi: Hello Mr. Pattabhiraman, Trust you are doing good! In the first chapter of your book “You can be rich…

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