Correlation between Mutual Fund Returns & Capture Ratios

The correlation between mutual fund returns and the upside/downside capture ratios is discussed using Mid-cap mutual funds. It is no secret that I am a fan of the downside capture as a simple means of measuring downside protection, selecting and reviewing mutual funds. In this  post, the recently obtained downside Capture Ratio of all Mid-cap Equity…

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Understanding Mutual Fund Investment Risk vs Reward

Although it has limited technical utility, the standard deviation is probably the simplest measure of understanding investment risk. Therefore, it has great practical value when it comes to ‘product positioning’ as the fund industry calls it. ‘Where does a given fund fall in the risk vs reward map?’. AMC often given a product positioning risk vs…

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How & when to choose Equity Savings Funds & Arbitrage Funds

Equity savings funds are the latest type of asset allocation mutual funds introduced first in late 2014 when the government made the duration for debt mutual fund capital gains to be classified as ‘long-term’ from 1-year to 3-years. Equity savings funds are basically arbitrage+equity+ debt  funds. They would hold a minimum of 65% equity (most…

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Are fixed income investors financially illiterate?

Any keen follower of personal finance space would have encountered their fair share of ‘why you should invest in equity?’ articles and ‘why equity alone is capable of beating inflation over the long-term’ arguments.  Things have come to such an end that fixed income investors are considered as not being financial literate. This kind of…

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Features of the freefincal mutual fund and financial goal tracker

A little over two years ago, an automated mutual fund & financial goal tracker was released. It was made with extensive beta testing by readers and is reasonably popular despite the availability of user-friendly online trackers. Update: This file does not work anymore since the historical NAV download from AMFI has been discontinued. I am working on a…

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Mutual Fund SIP and Lump Sum Rolling Returns Calculators

This is a triple update announcement – to two rolling returns calculators and to the Google spreadsheet for tracking financial independence. First two updates: The mutual fund lump sum and SIP rolling returns calculators have been updated with additional benchmarks. Rolling returns calculators provide a simple, easy to understand visual representation of how consistently a…

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Mutual Fund Downside Protection Calculator

Use this sheet to calculate the downside protection offered by a mutual fund for different investment durations (last 1-9 years). It also includes an ulcer index calculator. The present version has been updated with multiple indices from the Mutual Fund SIP XIRR Tracker This tool has been specifically designed to aid investors who would like to…

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