Are Debt Mutual Funds an Alternative to Fixed Deposits?

Debt mutual funds are advertised as tax-efficient alternatives to fixed deposits. There is more to investing than  tax-efficiency. Investors must be aware of the associated volatility and how it can impact returns depending on the duration. Post-tax debt fund returns may or may not be higher than post-tax fixed deposit returns. The answer to the…

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Mutual Fund Rolling Returns Analysis with Nifty Strategy Indices

Rolling returns calculators provide a simple, easy to understand visual representation of how consistently a mutual fund has outperformed its benchmark. The freefincal mutual fund lump sum and SIP rolling returns calculators now include six nifty strategy  indices (smart beta) for analysing mutual fund performance. As seen in a recent series of posts, Nifty strategic indices…

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Altman Z-score analysis of the financial health of a business

The 11th version of the freefincal automated stock analyzer now has an easy-to-understand graphical analysis of the factors that are used to calculate the Altman Z-score.  The Z-score is a measure of financial health and in particular, how close the business is to bankruptcy. If this is your first encounter with the freefincal stock analyzer, you can…

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An Introduction To Personal Finance For Young Earners

This post showcases a presentation by Aparna C K to her office colleagues. I am delighted that she kindly consented to let me share this here. Regular readers may be aware that Aparna has written two guest posts for freefincal which became instant hits: Guide to efile Income Tax Return For AY 2014-15 Guide to efile Income Tax Return:…

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