Mutual fund portfolio construction using a investment style box

Here is a simple way to construct a diversified mutual fund portfolio, or to declutter and reconstruct an existing portfolio using the investment style box available at mutual fund star rating portals. The following are the attributes of a ‘good’ portfolio. Diversification across assets classes (equity and fixed income should do) Diversification within each asset class….

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Risk Ladder for Equity Mutual Funds: Watch your step!

The standard deviation is the simplest way of measuring volatility of an instrument. For investors, it is, the most important risk measure they should be aware of while choosing product categories.  It is in my opinion, the key to successful mutual fund investing  and can help you select mutual fund categories suitable for your financial goals When…

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Warning! A long-term financial goal will soon become a short-term financial goal!

All long-term financial goals would soon become short-term financial goals. Perhaps it is obvious that with the passage of time that a goal 18 years away, will soon become a goal 3 years away.Children’s education goal is the best example of this. ‘They grow up so fast!”, we hear everyone say around us. Question is,…

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CAGR vs XIRR: Understanding Annualized Return

Here is a 7-minute video that discusses the differences and similarities between the two types of annualized returns: the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) and the extended internal rate of return (XIRR). An annualized return treats an investment in a volatile instrument (gold, stocks, debt funds) as one that compounds and calculates an average year-upon-year return….

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How to use a retirement calculator

This is a 15 minute user manual for using a retirement calculator. It describes the nature of inputs found in typical retirement calculators highlighting the importance of reasonable inputs and erring on the side of caution. Although freefincal retirement planner app now available at Google Play is used for the illustration, the video is applicable for…

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Young Earners Guide to Mutual Fund Investing

This post is meant for young earners’ who would like to begin mutual fund investments at the start of their career. I write this following a reader’s suggestion (unable to locate the comment -apologies). The contents of this post is subject to the following assumptions: The investment would be used for financial independence later in life…

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Automated Stock Analysis V9: Earnings Growth Estimation

Version 9 of the automated stock analysis sheet now  projects expected earnings per share and calculates the forward PE. Some bugs have been corrected and minor improvements made. List of features of the freefincal stock analyzer The automated stock analysis sheet pulls financials from morningstar and analyzes them pulls adjusted stock price history from money control, and…

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Term spread as a macroeconomic indicator

A discussion on how the term spread, which is the difference between the 10-year & 3-month government bond yield, can be considered as a macroeconomic indicator A macroeconomic indicator is one which gives an indication about the current state and future trend in the economy. Macroeconomic indicators can be used to change the asset allocation in…

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